Via dit programma zijn in samenwerking met vijf provincies verschillende onderzoeksprojecten uitgevoerd, die grotendeels dit jaar tot afronding komen.
In drie rondes met steeds twee parallelsessies kun je in gesprek over:
- manieren om burgerparticipatie te verbeteren
- lokaal eigenaarschap en bottom-up initiatieven
- energierechtvaardigheid
- het managen van de lokale warmtetransitie
- ruimtelijke planning van de energietransitie
- transformatief vermogen van overheden en de rol van kennisdeling
De voertaal is Engels, maar waar mogelijk wordt in de sessies Nederlands gesproken.
Ik meld me aan
Full programme
13:30 | Coffee & tea
13:45 | Opening
John Grin, professor of public policy and governance (Universiteit van Amsterdam) chair of the programme committee NWO MARET
14:00 – 14:50 | First round of parallel sessions
1a. Ways to better citizen participation
• Involving residents with different backgrounds and perspectives with EVA: Equal-opportunities and values approach to public participation
Goda Perlaviciute (project RESPECT, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
• Having dialogues with citizens about energy transition using visual tools
Simone Haarbosch (project JustRES, Wageningen University)
1b. Local ownership and bottom-up initiatives
• Energy communities and rolling out / upscaling renewable energy
Gerrit Rentier (Zeekraal, Hogeschool Zuyd), Luc van Summeren (project ORAKLE, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
• Motivation and support in the agricultural sector
Siri Pisters (project Zeekraal, Hogeschool Zuyd)
14:50 – 15:00 | Break
15:00 – 15:50 | Second round of parallel sessions
2a. Energy justice
• Localising Energy Justice: a just neregy transition according to Dutch citizens
Bas van Vliet / Sanneke Kloppenburg (project JustRES, Wageningen University)
2b. Managing the local heat transition
• Factors, players and dilemmas in the local heat transition
Martijn Gerritsen and Attabik Awan (project EXPLORE, Radboud Universiteit & Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
• Municipalities taking control of the heat transition and developing fair and inclusive (collective) heat solutions
Luc van Summeren (project ORAKLE, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
16:00 – 16:50 | Third round of sessions
3a. Spatial planning of the energy transition
• Effective cooperation between governments and grid operators
Henk-Jan Kooij and Martijn Gerritsen (project EXPLORE, Radboud Universiteit)
3b. Transformative capacity of governments and the role of knowledge sharing
• Increasing the transformative capacity of regional governments with learning, knowledge sharing and interaction between governing bodies
Jasper van Dijk and Luc van Summeren (project ORAKLE, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
16:50 – 17:00 | Closing remarks
Afterwards we have drinks.